
it is very difficult to make a good selection

Facebook| How to find the best product to sell on Facebook?

For those who do e-commerce, Facebook product selection is a very serious issue. If you don’t choose the product well, then no matter how much you promote it, the revenue will not be too good. But it is very difficult to make a good selection because no one can guarantee that the goods you select are what everyone likes.

This article will introduce you to the logic of finding Facebook products and will recommend one of the more commonly used tools for you. Specifically divided into the following points.

  • What is the logic of finding a Facebook product?
  • What are the strategies to find Facebook products?
  • What is Adspy?
  • How to use Adspy?it is very difficult to make a good selection

The logic of finding Facebook products

Go to the Internet and search for Facebook selection methods, the results will tell you that there are thousands of methods. But in fact, the logic of most of the selections is the same. The factors to consider when you make a Facebook selection are:

  • What type of need does this product you’ve selected solve for the user?
  • How was the need found?
  • How is this need validated?

After choosing a better product based on these considerations, package it and then let it generate a premium. The product that can get the most exposure will win.What type of need does this product solve for the user

Strategies to find Facebook products

Focus on the characteristics of the product

When making a Facebook product selection, you can consider three characteristics of the selected items: functionality, applicability, and timeliness.

  1. Functionality: Functionality refers to what the item you select can be used for. Products that are meaningless will not be accepted by users. You can choose a product that you need to use every day, but it should also have certain characteristics. For example, it can be folded, more space-saving.
  2. Applicability: The larger the population to which this product applies, the more potential customers you have. This point should not only be applied to the selection of products but in setting the sales of the target group should also avoid positioning too narrowly.
  3. Timeliness: When it comes to special periods, the selection of ideas can be slightly biased towards current events. For example, at Christmas, you can choose Christmas hangings. Another example is to follow the trend of environmental protection to choose green and safe products.Christmas themed hangings

Pay attention to the life cycle of the product

The life cycle of the product also has a significant impact on the selection of products.

For new Facebook marketplace products, you can choose products that have a sudden increase in recent video plays, or those that have few posts and video footage but can clearly see an upward trend.

If you are more conservative and seek a stable income, you can consider choosing hot products that are already relatively old in seniority. An example would be solar water jets.

If you want to base your product selection on popular Facebook posts, try to choose posts that are relatively new. For example, the creation time in the recent days or within ten days.

Also, the number of likes and comments on the post should be in a more reasonable range. Too high a number indicates that there will be many competitors for this product, or even that they have more money. Although you may be able to gain a little, the high interest is still being gained by the strongest.

If you want to choose a product that has only recently become popular, you have to control your single effectiveness cost. But this is actually more difficult and it is often easy to exceed your mental budget or even lose money.products that have a sudden increase

Follow the rules of Facebook ad

When finding a Facebook product, in addition to those above to think about, you should also pay attention to Facebook’s platform rules. The products you choose should certainly not be prohibited products. The following will list some of the products that are against the rules.

  • Products banned from Facebook: weapons, e-cigarettes, adult products, pharmaceuticals, displaying the inside of the human body, close-ups of body parts, related to orthopedic body contouring, etc.
  • Products that infringe or are patented.
  • Products that do not match the description: products that have a large difference in appearance, or do not have the functions described on the landing page, products that do not match the landing page, and advertising display material in a serious way.
  • Products that are flammable and explosive, plant seeds, or liquid powders over 100ml.Products that are flammable and explosive

What is the Adspy tool?

After reading the above Facebook selection strategy, many people will feel that Facebook selection is very troublesome and want to find a tool to help themselves, then maybe Adspy can help you.

Adspy is a tool for finding Facebook ads database, which is used to find ads of Facebook’s historical and recent hot selling products. For example, filter ads by keywords, Facebook page, product links, store names, website domains, etc.

You can select the keywords you are interested in and search out the products you want to make. You can also view competitors’ products and products that are hot in stores and do product research, out the products

How to use Adspy?

Let’s have a look at the main interface of Adspy and the options that you will use more often.

  • Site type: You can set the advertising channel, such as Facebook/Instagram/all.
  • Gender: you can set the gender.
  • Ages: Set the age group, usually 18 years old or above.
  • Daily likes: The range is 0-1000+.
  • Total likes: The range is 0-100000+
  • Media type: You can set whether the material type is video or picture.
  • Creat Between: Look at the date the ad was created.
  • Seen Between: See the ads within a certain time period.
  • Countries: this allows you to choose the country of placement.
  • Language: Choose the language of placement.

At the bottom left of Adspy, there is another easy-to-miss element, which is the various emoticons that appear below the ad post when we place an ad. For example, the number of likes, shares, comments, etc. This can also be used as one of the reference contents for product selection.

How to get more engagement with Facebook ads?

If you want Facebook ads to get more interactions and achieve remarketing, you need to spend more effort on users and also use some strategies. So what is the right way to do it? How can you get more engagement and conversions?get more engagement and conversions

Analyze and cater to your users

Change the ad format

Don’t set the tone of your ads as a call to purchase. This is because as ads continue to evolve, users are tired of seeing this form of ads.

So you can set some different content. For example, you can share the brand story, the production process of the product, some events to be held in the near future, and so on, to attract users’ curiosity and attention through novel stories.

Show more content that users want to see so that they can trust you more.

Analyze the characteristics of users who have visited the website

Many people who place Facebook ads want to expand their user base so that their ads reach as many users as possible. This is the right idea.

However, it’s a hypothetical idea that is fraught with constraints and uncertainties when it comes to implementation.expand their user base

It is more efficient to track and analyze the users who have already interacted with your website. Whether these people have just browsed your products or have already purchased them, they already have a certain impression of your brand. So how does it need to be done?

  1. Go to Facebook’s Ads Management Center.
  2. Select Pixel in Settings.
  3. Find Create Custom Audience.
  4. Select all website visitors.

If you have your own analysis ideas, it is also possible to make changes according to your needs.

Strategies to optimize Facebook engagement and conversion results

Run regular campaigns

It is necessary to create regular campaigns on Facebook for the store or for a certain product. Or you can also create a contest.

When creating a contest, you can prepare quality prizes for the winner in order to motivate users to participate. By offering prizes, it brings maximum exposure to the users who participate. This is a great one for marketing, regardless of the platform.motivate users to participate

Keeping ads relevant to the audience

Only by keeping ads relevant to your audience can you ensure that your previous investment will pay off.

And by doing so you will receive relatively fewer ad complaints and have a higher probability of passing the review.

Design ad videos that can be played on mute

Many users browse Facebook in silent mode, so you can design an ad video that can be well understood even in silent mode. This is where subtitles or graphics are more important.browse Facebook in silent mode

Monitoring Facebook ad data

Checking the data of Facebook ads is a task that must be done every day. So how to monitor the data?

  1. Go to Facebook Ads Management Center.
  2. In Campaign Manager, find Create Custom Conversions.
  3. In the categories, there will be many different types, find the people you want to track, here include users who added a purchase, users who joined a wish list, users who made an order operation, etc.

If you use this feature effectively, it will play a very important role in the conversion of your website.

Organize users’ comments

If you have been operating for a while, then you will get a certain number of reviews, at this time you can collate some quality positive reviews and display them on a priority basis.

Keep landing pages consistent with ads

This point is overlooked by many people. Because most sellers think that when placing Facebook ads, they just need to make sure the material is good.

But the truth is, Facebook will review your ad landing page as well as the ad. So the landing page and the ad must be consistent. Because if you can’t pass the review, not to mention conversion and interaction.


Promote your Store and Business with Facebook ads!

Nowadays, more and more people choose to join the ranks of cross-border e-commerce, among them, there are many cross-border e-commerce companies that use Facebook for store promotion.

Because no matter how good your store design is and how affordable your products are, no one will know about your store as long as you don’t promote it. So how to promote your store and business with Facebook ads?ad

What are the issues to pay attention to before placing Facebook ads?

Comply with Facebook’s advertising rules

Facebook has introduced a page rating function for homepages. If your page has a low rating, it will be difficult for your ads to pass the review. Therefore, when placing Facebook ads, you must first understand Facebook’s advertising rules.

Facebook ad review time is generally 24 hours, so if you send ads with content that is unacceptable to the platform, then don’t waste your time and money.

The advertising messages that Facebook resists are:

  1. Pictures or contents that make before and after comparisons of products for sale.
  2. Content that contains financial information.
  3. Intentionally set up suspense in order to make the post get attention.
  4. Information that contains sensitive or misleading information such as drugs, tobacco, adult products, weapons, etc.
  5. A large number of typos and grammatical errors in the content
  6. If the content of the ad you placed is complained about, it will be re-examined no matter how long your ad has been applied. In serious cases, your ad will be removed.

So before placing Facebook ads, be sure to check the platform’s advertising policy carefully to avoid unacceptable results.rules

Learn to tell a story based on the product

No matter what type of ad you are placing, you can advertise through storytelling.

Because stories make it easy for users of any age group to remember something. So you can tell a story around the product that is more appealing, which will also deepen the user’s impression of the product.

It’s easy to explain why many businesses are now using stories with a sense of immersion to attract the attention of users.

If you use scenes that users can usually encounter, you will get better results. You can look for ideas from highly rated movies or TV shows.

What do I need to pay attention to when placing Facebook ads?

What format should I use for advertising?

When placing Facebook ads, it is recommended that you choose to place your ads in video format. Because for video, the Facebook algorithm is more friendly. And not only Facebook likes videos, but also the users who use Facebook prefer them.

By placing your ads in video format, you can also provide users with a more comprehensive and visual understanding of your your ads in video format

What kind of video to use?

Many users who use placement Facebook ads place videos of their products or take pictures in the same context.

Such a form of advertising can result in spending a lot of money, but the effect of the ad does not attract the attention of users. Therefore, it is important to make sure that the content is attractive when selecting the video.

Strategies for Facebook ad placement

Use interstitial ads

What is interstitial advertising? Gap ads are like the ads that we usually intersperse while watching TV.

Facebook ads also come in this form, which is mainly about showing ads to users while they are browsing posts. This is a way to get the user’s attention by interrupting them.

Use interstitial ads to ensure that they are approachable and persuasive because you have interrupted the user’s reading experience. Never show it in the form of a guide, otherwise, it will easily cause users to resent it.cause users to resent it

Use call-to-action buttons

If you don’t have a call-to-action button in your ad, it doesn’t matter how well your ad content is done. What is a call-to-action button? Like “Learn more” or “Show more”.

Create a Facebook page to post ads

When creating a Facebook fan community, you need to spend most of your time creating a Facebook page.

Post some content on the Facebook page that is of interest to the users. This content does not need to be long, but whether you write it yourself or share quality content from others, you need to make sure that the content is something that your audience will enjoy.

You can also share some videos or images, etc.

Turn short ads into long ads for re-marketing

Facebook generally does not have long ads. So if there is too much text on the image, it won’t pass the review.

Since there is no way to pass the review of long ads, how to change from short ads to long ads?

Although you can’t place a long ad directly on Facebook, you can post a short ad on Facebook followed by a “learn more” link.

If you need a lot of content to introduce your product, but the information can’t be put into a Facebook ad, you can use this method to place the ad. The landing page for this link does not have to be textual, but can also use video. However, it is best to use a soft ad format for the landing page.learn more

Offer discounts regularly

Using discounts will definitely attract more users. Why? Because discounts mean that you can save some money on your favorite products, and most users can’t resist the temptation of discounts.

If you sell a popular product with a discount, even those who haven’t bought anything from your store will stop to see your ad and even enter your store.

Establish authoritybuild authority and credibility

In what ways can authority be gained? You can build authority and credibility through the comments section or by interacting with your friends.

When you see a user ask a question, be sure to answer it professionally enough. After all, this is the product you are selling. And you are also building a brand image by interacting with users.

It is important to note at this point that there will be comments on the content posted, and it is normal for these comments to be both good and bad. After all, it’s hard to do that everyone likes your product. These comments will include some suggestions left by users for the product, and you need to sort through those comments at this point. Leave those comments that are true and good for product optimization, and delete the spam comments that are meaningless.

Facebook friend

How to add Facebook friends to a group at once?

When running Facebook, many people want to add all of their Facebook friends to a group because it saves time. So how do you get them all into groups at once?Facebook friend

If your Facebook friends are already full, that means you have 5,000 friends. You can do this the usual way: First, suggest a group. Then, when you click on the embedded invite, Facebook will send you a bunch of code that you have to paste into the email.

But that can be tricky to do so. Are there any tools that can help you do that?

Tools that can add Facebook friends to a group at once!

Group Invite All

  1. Search for and add information in your browser.
  2. After adding, you can open the group you want to add.
  3. Open groups and click the tool you just installed in your browser. Turn on the icon to set how many friends you want to invite and how often you want to invite the next friend to the group.Group Invite All

Friends that have been added to the group are marked green, and those that have not been added to your group are marked red.

For Facebook-Group-Invite

  1. Search and add in the browser you’re using.
  2. After adding, you can open the group you want to add. If you have opened the group before, you need to refresh it. After opening it, you can directly click the newly installed plug-in.
  3. After opening the plugin, you can set the number of people you want to invite. Set the number of people you can click auto select, and then click Start.
impact on the user experience

Do you know the Facebook tagging craze?

On Facebook, when you tag someone, all of their information goes to their timeline, and the tagged person’s friends see the message. So how did the Facebook tagging craze develop?Facebook

The evolution of Facebook friending

Before we get to Facebook tagging mania, it’s important to understand the evolution of Facebook friending.

  1. Add it manually.
  2. by scanning other people’s numbers, to get all the information of friends.
  3. Add friends via API.
  4. Add friends over IPV6.
  5. Add your friend’s friend information.
  6. Add them in batches by scraping friends on Facebook.

The stages of Facebook tagging

  1. From mid-2011 to the end of 2012

At this stage, Facebook is not so strict in account registration management, even if a large number of friends are added, there is no need to worry about the issue of account closure. And even if you want to tag a post at this stage, the platform won’t stop you. So in this period, those who use the mark to profit are secretly happy, while those who are marked are very troubled and can’t find a way to turn off this function.very troubled

  1. From late 2012 to early 2014

At this stage, an outbreak is presently using the flag function.

Many people create a photo album on the app, automatically tag friends by uploading pictures, and then automatically hide them in their timeline.

At this stage, everyone is competing for ideas, access to networks, data resources, and software. Simply put, as long as you can execute, there are more opportunities for growth.

  1. From early 2014 to early 2015impact on the user experience

By this stage, those who have just started doing this have already missed the prime time. At this point, Facebook has begun to realize that Facebook tagging has a profound impact on the user experience, so it takes a lot of time to implement Facebook tagging, and it requires a battle of wits with Facebook.

How can you tell if the account really has a problem?

In fact, this is mainly reflected in the text, pictures, link recognition, add friend restrictions and blocks. These are some of the killer points, and in severe cases can cost money.

spam comments

How to remove Facebook spam comments?

A problem many Facebook users have noticed is that there are a lot of comments in the comments section, not only from competitors but also from spam. So how do you prevent and avoid spam comments?spam comments

The easiest way to deal with spam comments on Facebook is to use tools. You can try Smart Moderation.

How to use it?

  1. Search for SmartModeration on the browser of Facebook, enter the page, and click to start using it.
  2. Log in directly to the tool using your Facebook account.
  3. This tool works with spam comments on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, so feel free to use it. If you just want to get rid of spam comments on Facebook, go to Facebook and it will automatically list all of your pages. Selecting to add a page tells the tool that you want to remove spam comments from that page. Among other things, the tool can respond to users’ messages online, delete or hide comments, and most importantly, block people you don’t like.Smart Moderation
  1. If you still want to get rid of spam comments on Instagram, just click on my page and select Instagram to log in.
  2. Sign in to your account through the API that authorized Smart Moderation, and you can switch to the Instagram interface.
  3. Repeat what you did with Facebook.
Tik Tok

What are the advantages of Tik Tok advertising?

As the cross-border e-commerce crowd is getting bigger and bigger, the strategy of only choosing to place Facebook ads already needs to be adjusted. So what are the advantages of Tik Tok ads?Tik Tok

Advantages of Tik Tok ads

Tik Tok is the fastest growing social platform overseas, and it covers 155 countries, with an average of one in three people using this app every day.

According to the trend of short video and live streaming, Tik Tok’s traffic is unstoppable. And the participation of teenagers on Tik Tok is also very high at present, so Tik Tok is still in the bonus period.

Is it too late to start using Tik Tok? As long as you operate it carefully you can still see the results.

  • Tik Tok is more friendly for sellers

On Tik Tok, whether you are a novice or a veteran with rich experience, you can easily promote Tik Tok. Users who don’t know how to edit videos and don’t want to keep an account for a long time just to realize cash can use Tik Tok ads.

Because the Tik Tok platform not only has a system that can automatically generate content but also can help you edit video material, as long as you have product images or product use clips can be used for advertising and marketing.Tik Tok is more friendly for sellers

  • Tik Tok’s traffic is relatively cheap

Because Tik Tok is now in a pre-growth stage, it is easy to make achievements and attract strong audience traffic.

But it should be noted that the Tik Tok material cycle is relatively short when you find this video is very promising, to optimize the material in time.

What issues need to be noted when using Tik Tok ads?

  • Determine the audience for Tik Tok ads

Some people feel that the age of Tik Tok’s audience is small, but according to the data, Tik Tok’s audience range has now extended to 55 years old.Tik Tok's audience range

  • Choose the right category according to the country

When placing Tik Tok ads, you need to understand the destination country and region and choose products according to the cultural habits of that country.

At present, the categories that are more suitable for placement on Tik Tok are electronic products, creative furniture, creative accessories, beauty category, automotive products, pet products, and so on.

  • Selection of materials

When placing Tik Tok ads, the material is often more important than the product. The material highlights the advantages of the product but also can be combined with the characteristics of the festival to create materials.


Website Traffic | Platforms to attract traffic!

Facebook advertising has gradually saturated, so what other platforms can be used to attract traffic? 


Bing is owned by Microsoft, so it can effectively reach in search, email, and search position, and the average level of users will be relatively

What are the advantages of Bing?

Bing combines search ads with native ads, and customers achieve optimal advertising results in the decision-making process. Bing’s ad bidding is also divided into manual and automatic, and bidding targets and audience groups are set through clicks, conversions, and combined bidding. You can also choose remarketing, customization, proximity audience, dynamic remarketing, etc.


Yahoo mainly focuses on native advertising, because Yahoo’s exclusive data holds the full picture of consumers, as a way to create awareness of overseas markets.

Yahoo advertising form is mainly divided into short film advertising mode, downloadable applications, dynamic product advertising, and so on.

If you want to use Yahoo for advertising, you need to pay attention to the peak traffic period. For example, many users like to watch the news in the morning, and the volatility of news traffic is based on when key events occur. Information is constantly updated throughout the day on the home page and in emails, while in the evening there is a large increase in traffic for entertainment, sports, and consumer.


Outbrain is a first-class news media native advertising platform, which distinguishes itself from search-based traffic platforms and social-based traffic platforms of the consulting category.

Outbrain recommends information to users at the right time and in the right scenario. Its advantage is that they have high-quality publishers that are not only efficient but also large in scale.

When targeting audience demographics, you can also choose similar audiences, custom audiences, and get the opportunity to observe audiences through direct cooperation with major media.


Taboola is the world’s largest discovery platform. They have the world’s top media resources, which allows users to expand their customers through an open media platform.


Snapchat is now a dark horse of overseas media platforms, with daily active users already comparable to major platforms like Facebook, and Snapchat also offers a more streamlined experience.

What are the advantages of Snapchat’s platform?cheap

  1. The cost of advertising is relatively cheap.
  2. Interest targeting is very accurate and supports behavioral targeting.
  3. The targeting of audiences in Snapchat is also very powerful. Advertisers can customize an audience by uploading an email or phone number.
  4. In terms of ad creativity, Snapchat makes the ad material look like a friend showing something.